‘Underwater’ colonoscopy: Easier for doctor, less pain for you March 03, 2016 | William E. Karnes, MD “Underwater” colonoscopies use a gentle stream of water instead of puffs of air to guide the physician through the colon, and it can mean less pain... Read More Tags colorectal cancer cancer digestive health prevention
Does your genetic makeup put you at greater risk of colon cancer? December 01, 2015 | William E. Karnes, MD We all have a 1 in 20 chance of getting colon cancer. You read that right: 1 in 20. Some people face a slightly higher risk of developing colon... Read More Tags colorectal cancer genetics cancer digestive health
Don't be embarrassed to death, know your colorectal cancer risk March 23, 2015 | John Murray Embarrassed to talk to your doctor about your digestive health? Colorectal cancer is detectable and treatable if you follow the screening... Read More Tags cancer colorectal cancer prevention webinar
Too young for colorectal cancer? March 09, 2015 | John Murray UCI Health oncologist Jason Zell says the incidence of colon and rectal cancer found in adults under 50 is increasing. Take steps to understand... Read More Tags cancer colorectal cancer digestive health young adults