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Preoperative Visit

All eyes are unique. No two cornea maps are the same, just as our DNA and fingerprints are unique to us.

Before refractive surgery is considered, you will be required to undergo a series of diagnostic tests to determine the stability of your vision. After a thorough evaluation of your eye, your refractive surgeon will be able to determine if you are a candidate.

This thorough diagnostic evaluation is the first step to creating the best possible outcome for you and your vision.

Initial examination

The refractive surgeons at the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute will perform this initial eye exam which includes:

  • Complete review of overall eye health
  • Glasses or contact lens history review
  • Measurement of corneal thickness, including corneal topography
  • Measurement of your prescription or refractive errors
  • WaveScan measurements for higher order aberrations.
  • Dry eye test
  • Complete dilation to view the back of the eye or the retina

Procedure overview

As part of your initial evaluation, your refractive surgeon will educate you about refractive surgery.

This will include the history of refractive surgery, any risks, the procedure process itself and the benefits.

If you have been told in the past that you are not a candidate for refractive surgery, call us to learn about the latest advancements and other options you might have.

Depending on your unique visual situation, you may now be a candidate for the surgery.


Your decision to have laser vision correction is a serious decision. Ultimately, you will be the one to make the final decision.

When selecting a refractive surgeon it is important to select a surgeon who can honestly explain your visual needs. The ultimate goal of LASIK is to reduce your dependence on glasses and contact lenses. LASIK does not always create perfect 20/20 vision, though most cases are successful in improving vision.

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