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Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain has a number of possible causes, including foreign bodies, infection, inflammation or arterial and venous problems. Some of the most common causes of this type of pain include:

Lumbar stenosis

This condition, also known as lumbar radiculopathy, is described as nonspecific lower back pain. It is caused by a narrowing of the spinal canal, resulting in compression of outgoing nerves that control sensation and movement. Nerve root compression is associated with pain, numbness and weakness that radiates down the legs and feet.

Lumbar facet pain

The lower back is composed of several small joints that are prone to inflammation and can lead to increased pain. The facet joints allow bending and twisting movements. Movement can cause excruciating pain in the lower back. This pain can extend to the buttocks and back of the legs, but typically remains above the knees.

Lumbar strain

Over the course of daily activities, the lower back is placed under large amounts of stress and strain. The back muscles may become inflamed and tighten, preventing them from relaxing. This inflammation limits function and can worsen pain if not properly treated.

Lumbar post-laminectomy syndrome

Sometimes despite spinal surgery, back pain persists. Patients are either not always a candidate for reoperation or wish to not undergo another procedure.


The sensation of pain localized to the tailbone (coccyx) is a common syndrome that can cause significant amounts of distress when sitting or with pressure. Coccydynia is due to straining of the connective tissues, traumatic injury or inflammatory diseases.

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To reach a doctor or nurse during business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.), call 657-579-7246 and leave a message. Your call will be returned within 12 business hours.

After business hours or on weekends: call the main hospital at 714-456-7890 and ask the hospital operator to contact the doctor on call by paging 3386.