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Cosmetic surgery among the young and old

July 27, 2011
Dr. Christopher Zachary

IN THE NEWS: An Orange County Register column examined the types of cosmetic surgeries some people tend to get as they age.

“For the teenager reaching the age of majority, for the 20- to 39-year-olds finding a compatible mate and a job that they enjoy, for the 40- to 60-year-olds who can see their waning years approaching with the fear of losing their employment and of being alone and irrelevant, everyone wants to look their best,” says Dr. Christopher Zachary, chairman of UC Irvine’s Department of Dermatology.

“Since better-looking people are rewarded – quite unfairly – by us all, is there any bewilderment as to why they might seek to optimize the odds of being looked upon favorably?” Zachary says.

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