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Volunteers sought for immune system study

August 25, 2011

RESEARCH: Aging is associated with progressive immunodeficiency (weakness of the immune system) that makes seniors more susceptible to infections and cancer. Volunteers are needed to participate in research that is aimed to study the reasons for such a decline in the immune system in the elderly.

Dr. Sudhir Gupta, Chief of Immunology in the Department of Medicine, is conducting this research at the University of California, Irvine.

Who is eligible: Healthy individuals (men and women) of 65 years and above with no major medical or surgical illness.

What is required: Approximately 3 tablespoons of blood to be drawn by a needle from a vein in the arm. Dr. Gupta, or one of his associates (M.D.), at one of the clubhouses at Laguna Woods, will draw blood.

Monetary compensation: Volunteers will be financially compensated for their participation; volunteers will receive $10 for each donation of blood.

Benefit from the research: There is no direct benefit from the research to the participants. However, by helping to understand the reasons for immune deficiency in the elderly, this research, in the future, may help design strategies to delay the process of aging and prevent the diseases associated with aging.

Who to contact to participate in the study: Jacqueline Satoutah, Administrative Assistant, Division of Basic and Clinical Immunology, Department of Medicine, University of California, Irvine. Phone: (949) 824-5818

FAX: (949) 824-4362. E-mail: jsatouta@uci.edu.

This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of California, Irvine.