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Colon Cancer Alliance: Are you at high risk?

March 17, 2015

IN THE NEWS: One in 20 people will develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime, making it the number one cancer killer among non-smokers. Although there is no single cause of colorectal cancer, Dr. William Karnes, director of the UCI Health high-risk colon cancer program, provides insight into the risk factors, how you can control them, and the importance of regular screenings in his guest post on the Colon Cancer Alliance blog.

“Some risk factors are under your control and others are not,” Karnes said. “What is most important to know is that regardless of how high on the risk scale you are, up to 90 percent of colorectal cancers are preventable through lifestyle changes and removal of precancerous polyps.”

Read Dr. Karnes’ post, entitled “Are You at High Risk for Colon Cancer?” on the Colon Cancer Alliance blog