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Toddler Play

What can I do to help encourage play for my child?

Each child is different and may enjoy different toys and activities. But these ideas may work for your toddler.

What toddlers like to do

Keep in mind that a toddler likes:

  • Space to play and explore

  • Sandboxes, swings, and playgrounds

  • To imitate others by pretending to do adult tasks

  • To play in the water

What you can do as a parent

Tips for parents include:

  • Let your child help with chores.

  • Give your child a toy vacuum, pots and pans, and other housekeeping or work toys.

  • Read to your child.

  • Limit your child's screen time. Until 18 months of age limit screen use to video chatting along with an adult. Between 18 and 24 months screen time should be limited to watching educational programming with a caregiver. For children ages 2 to 5, limit noneducational screen time to 1 hour per day.

Toys for your toddler

A toddler will enjoy:

  • Toys that can be pushed and pulled

  • Rocking horse

  • Toys that can be ridden safely

  • Balls

  • Playground equipment

  • Shovel and bucket

  • Music

  • Toys that can help with housework, such as brooms, a vacuum, and dishes

  • Dolls

  • Puzzles