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Anatomy of the Skin

The skin is the body's largest organ. It serves as a protective shield against heat, light, injury, and infection.

Melanoma: Introduction

Details about melanoma, a serious type of skin cancer.

Melanoma: Symptoms

The first symptom of melanoma is often a change in a mole, or the appearance of a new mole. Read on to learn what exactly you should look for.

Eye Cancer: Intraocular Melanoma

Melanoma is a serious kind of skin cancer. This cancer involves cells called melanocytes. You also have melanocytes in your eyes. When these cells become cancerous, the condition is called intraocular melanoma. Learn about causes, risk factors, symptoms, and treatment.

Skin Self-Exam

Skin cancer can be treated with more success if it's found early. Read on for detailed information on doing your own skin self-exam.