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Thyroid Cancer: Treatment Choices

Read on for details about the treatment choices for thyroid cancer.

Thyroid Cancer: Chemotherapy

Read on for a detailed look at how chemotherapy is used to treat thyroid cancer.

Thyroid Cancer: Radioactive Iodine Therapy

Radioactive iodine therapy uses a form of iodine that sends out radiation to treat thyroid cancer. The goal of this treatment is to target and kill any remaining thyroid cells or thyroid cancer cells anywhere in your body.

Thyroid Cancer: External Radiation Therapy

In radiation therapy, strong, high-energy rays kill cancer cells or slow their growth. In external radiation therapy, the radiation is aimed at the cancer from a source outside the body. For thyroid cancer, radiation is aimed at the thryoid. Read on to learn more.

Thyroid Cancer: Surgery

Surgery is often the first and main treatment for most all thyroid cancers. The tissue removed will help determine the cancer's type and stage and whether you need more treatment.

Thyroid Cancer: Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy uses pills to give your body the hormones that were made by the thyroid gland before cancer treatment. Read on to learn more.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Complementary medicine is used along with other therapies. It often serves to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. Alternative medicine is used alone, without standard treatment.