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Which flu shot is right for you and your loved ones?

September 23, 2014
Dr. Shruti Gohil, UCI Health associate medical director of epidemiology and infectious disease

IN THE NEWS: UCI Health infectious disease specialist Dr. Shruti Gohil discusses the upcoming flu season and which flu shot to get on 89.3 KPCC's health blog:

Widespread flu vaccination is intended to protect people who are at risk for serious complications from the virus.

And now is the time to do it. The CDC recommends people get the shot soon after it becomes available, and preferably by October. It takes two weeks for people to develop the antibodies that protect against the flu.

"I would get the flu shot earlier rather than later," said Gohil, associate medical director for epidemiology and infection prevention at UC Irvine Medical Center. The reason: "it affords you protection throughout the flu season," she said.

This year, think of flu shots like hats: There are one-size-fits-all shots, and shots of specific sizes, for specific groups.

More about "Which flu shot is right for you and your loved ones?" >>